Descriptions of Services for Advertising Schools
We will place the advertising school's profile in our website in Korean language, which can be reached through three different sections in the front page of our website such as 1) 'Schools by Country-search schools and apply online',2)'Schools by Programs-choose the best program for you and apply online', and 3) 'Sponsor Schools-search schools and apply online'. For your advertisement support, we will specially place your school's logo and name in the section of 'Sponsor Schools' in the front page so that the information on your school can be better accessed by students who visit to our web site.
Please also note that we are going to conduct various and year-round activities as follows in order to ensure the maximum outcome for your advertisement;
1. We will prepare and place the profile of each advertising school in Korean translation for about 2 pages (A 4 size) of contents in our website following your instructions. You can send us either the complete ad draft or the necessary information for our preparation of ad draft for you. We will provide the Korean translation for the advertisement contents free of charge. In addition, you can ask us to update the information in your advertisement whenever it is necessary.
2. We will advertise our website as well as the individual names of advertising schools through the major internet portal-sites in Korea throughout the contract period and, in addition, we will publish quarterly newsletters, which will carry the brief information on each of the advertising schools and be distributed among students, local agents, and educational institutions in Korea.
3. We will provide the counseling and other supporting services to the students who are interested in your school or we can work as one of your agents in Korea on agreement basis for recruitment of Korean students, according to your request.
4. We will put your postal address and website address in the bottom of your school profile according to your instructions so that interested students may contact your school directly.
5. The advertising school will own the copyright for the school profile including our Korean translation and that the school can use it for creating a Korean language version of your website to be accessed from a link on your own home page.
6. Finally, you can have a lot more benefits in the future in the capacity of the early sponsor schools in our web site as our business grows and expands.
If you would like to take an advertisement in our website (, please fill in the enclosed order form and the appropriate school profile form and send them to our email address ( or to our fax number (+82-2-873-1442).
When you would have a complete advertisement draft or promotional materials (in English or Korean) having most of the key facts on your school already, you can send it to us for your advertisement in our website instead of sending the school profile form.
As for the advertisement fee, you can pay 50% of the total amount when you send to us the completed order form/ school profile form, and then pay the rest 50% within 15 days after your advertisement is placed in our website.
Thank you very much for your time and attention!

Chin-Ho Lee (Mr.)
Rm 604 Century Tower Bldg, # 869-10 Bongcheon-Dong,
Kwanak-Ku, Seoul, Korea 151-836
Tel: 82-2-2672-0503
Fax: 82-2-2672-0513